Get ready to participate in this competition!
Here are the clusters and fields that you can follow:
Nuclear Energy
Encompassing research on Radiation Process Technology, research on Accelerator Technology, research on Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Technology, research on Radiation Detection and Nuclear Analysis Technology, research on Nuclear Reactor Technology, research on Radioisotope, Radiopharmaceutical and Biodosimetry Technology, research on Safety, Metrology and Nuclear Quality Technology. -
Energy and Manufacture
Encompassing research on Energy Conversion and Conservation, research on Transportation Technology, research on Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology, research on Structural Strength Technology, research on Hydrodynamics Technology, research on Testing Technology and Standards, research on Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment. -
Electronics and Informatics
Encompassing research on Telecommunication, research on Electronics, research on Data and Information, research on Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security, research on Computing, research on Smart Mechatronics Technology. -
Nanotechnology and Materials
Encompassing research on Advanced Material, research on Metallurgy, research on Mining Technology, research on Quantum Physics, research on Chemistry, research on Photonics, research on Polymer Technology.
Aeronautics and Space
Encompassing research on Space, research on Satellite Technology, research on Rocket Technology, research on Remote Sensing. -
Earth and Maritime
Encompassing research on Geospatial, research on Geological Disaster, research on Climate and Atmosphere, research on Limnology and Water Resources, research on Geological Resources, research on Oceanography, research on Deep Sea, research on Marine and Land Bioindustry, research on Fishery, research on Marine and Inland Water Resources Conservation.
Encompassing research on Preclinical and Clinical Medicine, research on Public Health and Nutrition, research on Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Traditional Medicine, research on Vaccine and Drug, research on Molecular Biology, research on Veterinary Medicine. -
Life and Environment
Encompassing research on Genetic Engineering, research on Biosystematics and Evolution, research on Ecology and Ethnobiology, research on Applied Microbiology, research on Applied Zoology, research on Biomass and Bioproducts, research on Environmental and Clean Technology, research on Plant Conservation, Botanic Gardens, and Forestry. -
Agriculture and Food
Encompassing research on Food Technology and Processing, research on Agroindustry, research on Food Crops, Horticultural and Estate Crops, research on Animal Husbandry, research on Appropriate Technology.
Social Sciences and Humanities
Encompassing research on Society and Culture, research on Politics, research on Population, research on Area Studies, research on Law, research on Education, research on Religious Harmony and Moderation, research on Religion and Belief. -
Archeology, Language and Literature
Encompassing research on Prehistoric and History Archeology, research on Environmental Archaeology, research on Maritime Archaeology and Cultural Sustainability, research on Archaeometry, Language and Literature Preservation, research on Language, Literature and Community, research on Manuscripts, Literature and Oral Traditions, research on Treasures and Cultural Heritage Objects. -
Governance, Economy, and Community Welfare
Encompassing research on Government and Regional Autonomy, research on Public Policy, research on Social Welfare, Villages and Connectivity, research on Macroeconomics and Finance, research on Cooperatives, Corporation, and People's Economy, research on Governance, Economy, and Community Welfare, research on Public Services and Domestic Government.
- Individuals and not groups
- Indonesian Citizens or Foreign Citizens can participate.
- Non BRIN employee
- Open for undergraduate (S1/D4) and master level (S2)
- Open to all ages and semesters who have completed their final assignment (thesis) or who have been declared graduated with proof of a graduation certificate from the university within the last one year counted from the SRC registration date each year (1 May 2023 - 31 May 2024).
- Willing to submit final project research that has been tried in a journal format. The final project research accepted is from 1 year until registration opens (1 May 2023 - 31 May 2024).
- Final Project Research submitted is in journal format with a template provided by the committee on the Download page on the website.
- Final project research can be in the form of research results, application of innovations and inventions, and journal publications are permitted.
- Willing to complete all administrative documents such as a letter of approval from the thesis supervisor, a certificate of completing thesis defence from the university, and a statement of research originality.
- Projects that are being submitted in other competitions cannot compete in the SRC.
- The committee will disqualify the participant if it is proven to violate the above criteria.
The IRIFair participant should register online on the website https://irifair.brin.go.id/ from 1 March 2024 to 31 May 2024. Participants are advised to use active email and personal contacts to facilitate communication with the IRIFair committee. Registration process requires each applicant to submit Academic Transcript, Photo, ID Card, Student Card, statement letter, letter of reference, and letter of recommendation for further verification process.
Participants should also submit the Final Year Research Project/Thesis in the form of journal articles (templates provided by the committee) as well as the full paper of the Final Year Research Project/Thesis. The project can be research or invention. Submitted Final Year Research Project/Thesis (in the form of a journal) should have been passed the thesis defense. There will be no mentoring process. All templates related to registration form/files are available on the Download page. A brief guide to IRIFair registration can be checked on the IRIFair website.
Administrative Selection
The administrative selection process is carried out by the committee to select the completeness of administrative files uploaded by the applicant. The applicant who does not pass the selection at this stage are those who do not meet the requirements and criteria as well as do not complete all document requirements. Meanwhile, the applicant who pass the administrative selection will then go through the final research project substantive selection process.
Final Project Research Substantive Selection
The final research project substantive selection process is carried out to determine the official SRC finalists. The final research project will be selected in 12 research categories based on the 12 research organizations in BRIN. The substantive selection mechanism for determining the finalists from both Undergraduate and Postgraduate applicant uses a blind review method by the jury. The chosen applicant to be the finalists from 12 research category will be grouped again into 4 main categories (clusters). As many as 60 finalists in total will compete at the IRIFair 2024 event to be exhibited and assessed. The jury will select the Final Project Research based on predetermined assessment criteria.
Announcement of the Finalist
After the substantive selection process is done by the jury, those applicants whose research final projects meet the criteria will be announced as the finalist. The announcement of the finalist will be made through IRIFair official website, letters, and social media.
Research Poster Workshop
All finalists will automatically take part in the research poster workshop. The poster resulted from the workshop will be exhibited at the Indonesia Research & Innovation Expo (INARIE) and contested in the Research Poster Competition as a series of Scholar Research Competitions at the Indonesia Research and Innovation Fair (IRIFair).
Final Event
All finalists are required to take part in all series of on-site event consists of presentations and final interviews of research final project as well as poster exhibitions and competitions. All finalists will be invited to exhibit at the INARI EXPO 2024. All of these finals will be carried out offline. The place and time will be announced to the finalists at a later date.